Your treated timber furniture might be one of your greatest pride and assets. However, most people are unaware of the protocols for disposing of treated wood correctly. Callously disposing of treated wood can be detrimental to the environment, and the environmental protection agency may create legal issues about it.

At some point, you may no longer have use for your old furniture and may be wondering how to dispose of treated timber properly. Fortunately, you have come to the right place. In our guide, we will tell you all about how to properly dispose of treated wood without getting into trouble for it. Plus, we will explain why it is important to ensure that treated lumber is responsibly disposed of. Keep reading to learn all about it.

How To Dispose Treated Timber Properly?

Typically, outdoor furniture made of treated wood is designed to last for decades. In fact, treated lumber often lasts 20 to 30 times longer than standard wood. However, experts researching and working in the wood-treating industry know the chemicals used in pressure-treated wood to protect it from decay, rot, environmental damage, insect damage, and other factors. And these chemical preservatives can help increase the lifespan of your treated lumber furniture.

That said, these chemicals are essentially toxic and can lead to long-term environmental problems if the treated wood is not disposed of properly. Hence, it is essential to know about the proper disposal of treated wood to protect the environment and stay within legal boundaries.

A. Salvaging And Reusing Treated Lumber

As a general rule, you should try and salvage any old furniture made of pressure-treated wood. For instance, there are many DIY methods that may give you ideas on how to reuse small wood scraps, yard waste, and old lumber without creating hazardous waste.

Likewise, if the treated wood does not eventually end up in a waste stream, it is best to consider it waste. In that case, you can contact professional designers who can help reuse the treated lumber in small projects. Many homeowners engage in DIY projects often take the help of the internet to come up with ideas or inspiration for reusing old wood and furniture. Some might even try to renovate an old deck using materials easily found in local stores or around their homes.

B. Take The Treated Wood To A Local Landfill Or A Transfer Station

You can explore many safer alternatives to disposing of treated wood. However, the responsible thing to do with it is to take the treated wood to nearby town transfer stations or your local landfill. The manufacturers, contractors, and utilities will contact wood burner facilities and the local landfill to burn treated wood.

Remember that you should never attempt to burn treated wood at home or in your yard, as it can result in a host of health problems. Besides, the resulting smoke and byproducts can be highly toxic to you and others around you. Many homeowners believe in home composting wood scraps, chips, and sawdust. However, this is a bad idea and can result in toxic waste. It is best to take the treated wood to its designated location and allow the local authorities to deal with it.

C. Professional Rubbish Removal Services

A professional rubbish removal service is a great option if you have much treated timber to dispose of or need help handling it safely. Services like Tip It Rubbish Removal specialise in disposing of hazardous materials, including treated timber, and ensure it is handled and transported safely.

Professional rubbish removal services offer convenience and peace of mind, especially when dealing with larger timber from construction or renovation projects. They are familiar with local regulations and will handle the entire process, saving you time and effort.

Health and Safety Considerations

Handling treated timber requires some precautions to protect your health. When cutting, sanding, or disposing of treated wood, always wear protective gear, including gloves, long sleeves, and a dust mask. This will help minimise your exposure to the chemicals in the timber, which can be harmful if inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Additionally, avoid using treated timber in applications that could come into contact with food or drinking water, as the chemicals used in the treatment process can leach into the surrounding environment over time.

Risks Of Irresponsible Disposal Of Treated Wood

You might wonder what would happen if you disposed of CCA-treated wood (chromate copper arsenate) by dumping it in the water or other sites. For starters, copper-based products like CCA-treated wood are treated with chemicals. These, in turn, leach copper naphthenate, arsenic, and chromium into the environment, resulting in toxic waste.

Furthermore, open burning of any non-clean wood pile in coking ovens or an open field can cause severe health problems and pose an environmental risk. Burning lumber or plastic releases toxic gases and chemicals, which may even cause cancer. Generally, the chemicals used to treat wood help inhibit fungal decay caused by fungi and insects. These include ACQ preserve, chromate copper arsenate, and an oil-based compound like creosote, which is made of coal tar.

As a result, irresponsibly disposing of treated wood in a landfill can cause these toxic chemicals to leach into groundwater, resulting in waterborne chemicals that cause birth defects. In addition, waterborne preservatives for treated lumber include various combinations of arsenic, fluoride, chromium, ammoniacal copper, zinc arsenate, and copper. However, these waterborne chemicals have serious environmental and health repercussions, such as skin, lung, and bladder cancer.

DIY Projects For Pressure-Treated Wood

Wondering how you can renovate your old pressure-treated lumber to create something innovative? Here are some ideas.

1. Bookshelf

For all the book lovers out there, consider building your own DIY bookshelf using old wood scraps from your home. What better way to show off your artistic skills and your wonderful book collection?

2. Wood Painting

Here’s another one for the artists out there. How about using that piece of old wood to create a wall hanging or a painting? Quite an affordable home decor option, don’t you think?

3. Birdhouse

Build a cute birdhouse for your feathered friends in the garden with your old wood scraps. It’s pretty straightforward, and the birds will love you for it! But before using pressure-treated lumber for any DIY project, ensure you know what kind to use.

Final Words

Properly disposing of treated timber is crucial for protecting the environment, ensuring public health, and complying with local waste management regulations. Whether you choose to take your treated timber to a licensed facility, arrange for council collection, or hire a professional rubbish removal service like Tip It Rubbish Removal, following these guidelines, will ensure that your old timber is handled safely and sustainably.

By properly disposing of treated timber, you’re keeping your community clean and helping to reduce the environmental impact of hazardous waste. Always remember to avoid burning treated wood and take the necessary precautions when handling it to protect your health.


